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Greetings from the end of another week! Well almost.... This one will drag out for a little longer than most as we have out Christmas party lunch tomorrow. it's not too late to make it, so if your plans have changed you're more than welcome! I'm really looking forward to celebrating the end of another year of training with you all. I'll miss those of you that can't make it, and I'm looking forward to a drink and a meal with those that can

So how did we go with our excuses this week? I chatted last week about the self talk we give ourselves to either get to training or to find excuses to not make it out the door. How did you go? I was talking with some students about exam technique this week, and we discussed the tendency that many of us have to glaze over a little as we are reading something. They talked about not taking in information when they were reading a text under the pressure of time, and it made me wonder how many of us do that when the newsletter is challenging us about something relevant? Often we need to pay attention to the things that will challenge us and improve our lives, but we lead such busy lives that we read things on the fly, intend to come back to them later, and then totally forget about it! So... Do you need to pay attention to the messages that will make significant improvements to your life?

We have 17 days left of the year, and my question to you as we ponder the last one is how many will you make? A lot can change in those 3 short weeks. I often say to people who start training that in those first two weeks you'll see a big difference. What do you want to achieve before Christmas? You CAN drop a few kilos, you CAN improve your fitness and strength and you CAN improve the quality of your life. But will you?

Action is needed. Getting out of bed and doing something different is how we change.

David is currently training for the Tour De Cure to raise money for cancer research. You may know that this is an issue that has touched his life personally so it would be great if we can get together to support him by donating. Please use the link here for donations.

Hi and welcome to this week's Daybreak Download!! Last week I talked about your success, and most of us did pretty well under less than ideal circumstances! The weather wasn't great for training outside, but we still managed to be pretty consistent. Pats on the back for you!

There are a re few of us though that still need to find our consistency, so if that's you (you know who you are.... And I know who you are!) then make sure that you do try to hit your sessions. Be realistic abut what you can do. If you're out of the habit shooting for 5 probably isn't the best way to achieve success. Pick two, and don't allow the excuses to grow in your mind.

Excuses can grow pretty easily, and while some are pretty decent excuses, others are only distractions. The warm bed... I'll make it up tomorrow.... My day is too busy. None of them are excuses that won't be there tomorrow as well. You might as well get it done today.

Soooo.... We have three weeks until Christmas. You know you'll be having a few drinks over the holiday period, a few extra treats, and you'll probably take a week off training..... So now is the time for you to earn all that. There are 23 training sessions until Christmas. How many will you be getting to? Make the most of this short amount of time! Your post Christmas training schedule will thank you!

This week I tool delivery of some very nice looking Christmas gifts to you all at the Christmas party, so please do try to make it on the 4th. I'll be asking for RSVPs to confirm numbers in the next few days so please firm up your plans. It would be great to see as many there as we can manage!

I look forward to seeing you at Daybreak!! Andy

Hi and welcome to the weekend! I do hope you've had an amazing week, and I hope that as you look back over what you've achieved you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment... That includes your non training endeavours and training activities alike! Reflecting on what we have achieved and where we want to be is often a big key to success, and your success is a key part of what I do. So asking you to reflect is something you'll hear me say often. If you hit your goals, I want to give you a giant pat on the back. It's worth celebrating when we manage to set out to achieve what we intended, despite busy lives, work pressures, family commitments and any number of demands that are placed on your time. If you didn't, I'd like to encourage you to have one week in which you acknowledge that it will be a struggle, but that you'll push through and hit those training sessions you want to get to. One week only. You'll be glad you made the effort because ticking off goals is always so rewarding and fills you with a sense of achievement.

For those of you who were at training on Wednesday, you got to meet Poppy, who is going to be taking over the Wednesday class, and will also run a Yoga class at 7am on Wednesdays. This starts next week, so make sure that you get along to meet her and check out her Yoga sessions. She comes very highly recommended!

Finally... Please don't forget to keep the date of the 4th of December from 1pm free.: Our Christmas party will be on at the Merton Hotel in Rozelle. As I said last week, it's always a fun day, so make sure you don't miss it! I look forward to seeing you at Daybreak!! Andy

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